Hosting a truck and tractor pull event can supply families and motorsport enthusiasts in your community with some entertainment and fun. Prior to hosting your event, however, you should take the time to ensure you’re enrolled in the proper insurance coverage, as well as properly preparing your venue for a high volume of spectators and competitors.


Truck and tractor pull events are full of energy and activity. Often times, unforeseen issues and accidents can be hard to prevent. There are several reasons why getting the proper coverage and preparing for your truck and tractor pull is critical to the event’s success.


●        Unexpected Weather

Because truck and tractor pull events often take place outdoors, you may confront unexpected weather conditions during your event. Proper insurance coverage can help you keep any property and belongings accounted for even after damaging natural forces.


●        Spectator Control

Because your truck and tractor pull event invites enthusiasts and fans from all over the community, you should take the time to prepare to host a large number of spectators. Large crowds often increase the risk of injuries and accidents, so preparing with the best insurance coverage is critical.


Especially with children, the excitement of a truck and tractor pull can cause spectators to lose track of designated seating and waiting areas. In addition to clearly marking the location of concessions and bathrooms, you should also ensure you have the best insurance coverage possible. If you’re unsure how to find an insurance plan that properly covers spectators, contact Jones Birdsong. Our team of professional insurance brokers can help you find the coverage you need.


●        Property Coverage

With all the commotion associated with a busy event, your property and facilities may experience excessive wear and tear. Due to a high volume of visitors, your venue’s appliances will get a lot of use. You should ensure your facilities are covered by the proper insurance plan to prepare for any broken objects or appliances.


●        Employee Safety

No truck and tractor pull event is truly successful without hardworking employees. However, because truck and tractor events are a high-risk environment, especially for anyone close to the action, you should take the time to make sure all bases are covered. As an event promoter, you should ensure you have the best insurance coverage possible for your employees in case of injuries and accidents.


●        Venue Coverage

A truck and tractor pull event damages your venue’s track and other areas. Finding the best insurance coverage can help you prepare for any excessive damage or unforeseen incidents at your venue. Additionally, for any leased land you use, we can help you find the coverage necessary to host a high-risk event such as a truck and tractor pull.


Properly preparing for your motorsport event can help you maximize its success. Finding the best insurance coverage and enforcing appropriate safety measures will help you keep spectators, employees, and competitors safe while maintaining a sense of organization throughout the event. To learn more about our services, contact Jones Birdsong at 952-521-4526.

Benefits of Working With Jones Birdsong

If you’re in need of top-notch insurance coverage for your upcoming truck and tractor pull event but you’re not sure how to find the best plan possible, consider contacting our team of professional insurance brokers here at Jones Birdsong. There are several benefits to working with the Jones Birdsong team.


●        Quick Quotes

You won’t need to wait around to get the information you need when you work with our team. At Jones Birdsong, we provide quick quotes so you can start planning for your truck and tractor pull event as quickly as possible.


●        24-Hour Handling

We understand questions and concerns can come up at any time, which is why we provide our customers with 24-hour claims handling. We are here to assist you any time you need us.


●        Flexible Payment Plans

Because we value helping our customers get the insurance coverage they need for a price they can work with, we provide flexible payment plans.


●        Highly Experienced Brokers

Our team has the experience and knowledge to help you find the insurance coverage you need. We’ll help you understand all aspects of each potential policy so you can feel confident in our services and your coverage.


●        Variety of Insurance Coverage

We offer a wide range of insurance coverage policies so you can find the coverage that meets your specific requirements. Our brokers will take the time to understand your situation and help you find the best coverage possible.


Contact Jones Birdsong Today

Bring some fun and entertainment to your community with a truck and tractor pull event. Kids, adults, and motorsport enthusiasts will enjoy all the action. Prior to hosting your event, however, make sure you find the coverage you need to prepare for any unexpected situations. Our team of professional brokers at Jones Birdsong is ready to help you with finding the best coverage possible. To schedule an appointment or to speak with one of our team members, contact us today at 952-521-4526.